Need Analysis

Introduction and aim
The ETAT project aims to create exemplary Education & Training Centers in the field of engineering education at participating EEC universities that are able to support as education hubs in the EEC region for industry-related education and training for engineers and young specialists. The following objectives are to be achieved with it:
- Modernization of Higher Education in Thailand based on the experience of European countries.
- Increase the employment rate of university graduates and implement the concept of Life-Long learning with the help of special training modules in the field of industrial automation.
- Development of partnerships with enterprises.
- Improve the quality and relevance of Higher Education in Thailand in the field of industrial automation.
- Establishment of 6 certified ETAT Training Centers at partner universities, which will be equipped with 24 special training places (respectively 4 ETAT Smart Labs per Thai university).
- Establishment of a platform for distance learning and cooperation between the partners for providing E-Learning & Cloud-based learning courses and for exchange of didactical documents and information.
ETAT Training Centers will be provided with teaching materials and certificated courses for different target groups (students, employees, post-graduates, trainees) as well as with the Thai trainers trained by EU university partners during the ETAT project.
The main aim of this survey is to estimate the level of interest in teaching and using different technologies for industrial automation in the context of Industry 4.0 by students, teachers and professionals in the field of process automation.
National Resonance Groups: NRGs
This survey aimed to collect the relevant data for setting up a business plan for the ETAT project. The participants belong to the National Resonance Group (NRG) in Thailand, including engineers and workforce of companies and institutions located in the EEC area and nearby. There are 51 participants altogether. They participated in an Automation workshop organized by 6 Thai Partners, BUU, KU, RMUTTO, KMUTNB, RRU, and KMITL. Then they were interviewed and answered the questionnaires.
The results show that most of the participants are from automotive industry with relatively large company size (more than 250 employees). They have basic knowledge about industry 4.0, especially in the control system. They may lack knowledge of Information Technology such as cyber security, data analysis, and high-level programming. They are eager to learn more about system analysis and design, control and HMI programming, IIoT and SCADA system, and programming and data analysis in general. Most of the participants prefer to have a workshop on 2 days at most, and where it takes place is not important (at university or company). The trainings days could be work days (Mon – Fri) or weekend (Sat – Sun). One course cost should not exceed 3,000 – 5,000 THB.