
ETAT Glossary

There are currently 21 names in this directory beginning with the letter A.
Access Point
A device that allows wireless devices to connect to a wired network using Wi-Fi

Accuracy is the measurement of the deviation between the command characteristic and the attained characteristic (R15.05-2), or the precision with which a computed or calculated robot position can be attained. Accuracy is normally worse than the arm's repeatability. Accuracy is not constant over the workspace, due to the effect of link kinematics.

Is another message communication method used for an asynchronous bidirectional communication. Action is used where it takes longer time to respond after receiving a request and intermediate responses are required until the result is returned. The structure of action file is also similar to that of service. However, feedback data section for intermediate response is added along with goal and result data section which are represented as request and response in service respectively. There are action client that sets the goal of the action and action server that performs the action specified by the goal and returns feedback and result to the action client.

An extension of OLE that allows visual software components, created in any language, to be embedded easily into forms and web pages. Active X is a “brand” referring to a broad family of COM based technologies that were originally part of the OLE family.

Actual Position
The position or location of the tool control point. Note that this will not be exactly the same as the demand position, due to a multitude of unsensed errors, such as link deflection, transmission irregularity, tolerances in link lengths, etc.

A fluid powered or electric powered device that supplies force and motion.

the discovery of insights in data

Access point

an application programming interface is a set of subroutine definitions, protocols, and tools for building application software

A value given to a function or program when it runs. The term is often used interchangeably (and inconsistently) with parameter.

An interconnected set of links and powered joints comprising a robot manipulator that supports and/or moves a wrist and hand or end-effector through space. The arm itself does not include the end-effector.

Articulated Manipulator / Articulated Robot
A manipulator with an arm that is broken into sections (links) by one or more joints. Each of the joints represents a degree of freedom in the manipulator system and allows translation and rotary motion.

Describes a jointed device, such as a jointed manipulator. The joints provide rotation about a vertical axis, and elevation out of the horizontal plane. This allows a robot to be capable of reaching into confined spaces.

Artificial Intelligence
Developing intelligence machines and software that are capable of perceiving the environment and take corresponding action when required and even learn from those actions.

Assembly Robot
A robot designed specifically for mating, fitting, or otherwise assembling various parts or components into completed products. Primarily used for grasping parts and mating or fitting them together, such as in assembly line production.

To give a value a name by associating a variable with it.

Various OPC calls explicitly make use of asynchronous communication. When an OPC Client application issues an asynchronous call, the OPC Server acknowledges receipt of the call itself. The OPC Server then “calls” the OPC Client application back with the result using a callback. The OPC Client application does not know when it will receive the callback, and therefore the call is said to be asynchronous, or without time. Developers and Integrators use asynchronous calls when they do not require a specific order of operations. Suppose that an operator must close two valves, but the order is not important. Furthermore, suppose that the first valve takes 5 seconds to close, and the second valve takes 1 second to close. Using an asynchronous call, the operator could issue both calls simultaneously, but the second call would actually complete first! However, if it is indeed necessary to complete the first action before the second begins, Developers and Integrators must ensure that they use Synchronous communication. Asynchronous calls can provide a significant performance boost when an order of operations is not required. As well, developers use asynchronous calls to implement OPC Item subscription. Using asynchronous communication, an OPC Server relies on callbacks to deliver data back to an OPC Client application. Integrators must configure the PC with the OPC Client application to accept the callbacks. Failure to do so will cause callbacks to fail and consequently any asynchronous communication will fail. This is a common cause for OPC Item Subscriptions to fail. Integrators often use synchronous communication to compensate for poor security configuration. However, this will have other undesirable affects.

A value associated with an object which is referenced by name using dotted expressions. For example, if an object o has an attribute a it would be referenced as o.a.

Automatic Identification and Data Capture (AIDC)
Any method of automatically identifying and collecting data on items, and then storing the data in a computer system. For example, a scanner might collect data about a product being shipped via an RFID chip.

Automatic Measurement Function
For optimal robot motion, the mass properties of the end-effector should be specified. These properties can be derived from a CAD model of the tool. The Automatic Measurement Function is an alternative to a CAD model, and it uses the robot arm itself to measure the tool properties. With this function, the user can register the load of tool, the position of the tools center of gravity and the moment of inertia at the center of gravity.

A direction used to specify the robot motion in a linear or rotary mode. (ISO 8373)

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